OPTO-4 Serial Opto Isolator

Isolate an RS232 (PC) port to protect against ground loops. The OPTO-4 provides a safe and low cost way of connecting an NMEA 0183 system to a PC or any other device with a standard RS232 9-pin port.

As a bi-directional NMEA 0183 to RS232 interface cable, the OPTO-4 utilises OPTO-isolation to protect the PC input and spike protection for the PC output, providing comprehensive isolation of PC hardware when connecting to an NMEA 0183 bus.

If isolation in both directions is required, the Actisense USG-2 offers bi-directional isolation in a USB to RS422 (NMEA 0183) form.

Key features:

  • One OPTO-isolated input
  • One NMEA output
  • Up to 115200 baud
  • Port powered
  • Shielded cable and case