NMEA 2000® Starter Kit

The equivalent of four T-pieces in a single case provides a significant time and space saving with no more connecting multiple T-pieces together. Termination resistors are included and as they are removable, the network can be extended if needed.

The Micro power cord provides a unique solution to quickly power your network that is easy to install, taking ‘Plug & Play’ to the next level.

The NMEA 2000 Starter Kit 3 contains:

A2K-MPC-1: NMEA 2000 Micro power cable, 3m UL certified cable

A2K-TER-F: NMEA 2000 micro terminator female – to terminate one end of the network

A2K-TER-M: NMEA 2000 micro terminator male – to terminate one end of the network

A2K-4WT: Multi Drop T